Journal Publications (69)
Research Papers (49)
Published Online (Ahead of Print)
Escobar Vega, C., Billsberry, J., Molineux, J., & Lowe, K. B. (2024). The development of implicit leadership theories during childhood: A reconceptualization through the lens of overlapping waves theory. Psychological Review.
Sun, Y., & Billsberry, J. (2024). What is this thing called misfit? A systematic review into how employee misfit has been defined and researched. Management Review Quarterly.
In Print
Hughes, G., Billsberry, J., Swanson, S., & Todres, M. (2024). A typology of design archetypes in professional football leagues: Autonomy and openness as key factors explaining design variance. Journal of Sport Management, 38(5), 327-339.
Billsberry, J. & Alony, I. (2024). The MOOC post-mortem: Bibliometric and systematic analyses of research on massive open online courses (MOOCs), 2009-2022. Journal of Management Education, 48(4), 634-670.
Abbasi, Z., Billsberry, J., & Todres, M. (2024). Empirical studies of the “similarity leads to attraction” hypothesis in workplace interactions: A systematic review. Management Review Quarterly, 74(2), 661-709.
Billsberry, J. & O'Callaghan, S. (2024). The social construction of leadership, implicit leadership theories, leader development, and the challenge of authenticity. Journal of Leadership Studies, 18(3), 6-22.
Pitsi, S., Billsberry, J., & Barrett, M. (2024). A bibliometric review of research on intelligence in leadership studies. FIIB Business Review, 13(5), 528-541.
Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., & Thomas, L. (2023). Managerialist control in post-pandemic business schools: The tragedy of the new normal and a new hope. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 22(3), 439–458.
Vleugels, W., Verbruggen, M., De Cooman, R., & Billsberry, J. (2023). A systematic review of temporal person–environment fit research: Trends, developments, obstacles, and opportunities for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(2), 376-398.
Billsberry, J., & Vleugels, W. (2023). A consolidation of competing logics on selecting for fit. Academy of Management Perspectives, 37(3), 220-238.
Billsberry, J., Hollyoak, B. M., & Talbot, D. L. (2023). Insights into the lived experience of misfits at work: A netnographic study. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(2), 199-215.
Eichler, M., & Billsberry, J. (2023). There’s nothing as practical as understanding the nature of theory: A phenomenographic study of management educators’ implicit theories of theory. Management Learning, 54(2), 244-266.
Ambrosini, V., Billsberry, J., & Swanson, S. (2023). The myth of the altruistic university: Lessons from universities' sponsoring of events. Event Management., 27(8), 1151-1164.
Sun, Y., & Billsberry, J. (2023). An investigation into how value incongruence became misfit. Journal of Management History, 29(3), 423-438.
Subramanian, S., Billsberry, J., & Barrett, M. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of person-organization fit research: Significant features and contemporary trends. Management Review Quarterly, 73(4), 1971-1999.
Pitsi, S., Billsberry, J., & Barrett, M. (2023). Implicit measures in leadership categorization theory: The case for using cognitive mapping and verbal protocols to study cross-categorization phenomena. Baltic Journal of Management, 18(5), 668-682.
Billsberry, J., & Cortese, C. (2023). PhD by prospective publication in Australian business schools: Provocations from a collaborative autoethnography. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 18, 119-136.
Billsberry, J. (2023). A stepwise strategy for upgrading publication outcomes to A* in management. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 4(3) 233-240.
Munoz, A., Billsberry, J., & Ambrosini, V. (2022). Resilience, robustness, and antifragility: Towards an appreciation of distinct organizational responses to adversity. International Journal of Management Reviews, 24(2), 181-187.
Abbasi, Z., Billsberry, J., & Todres, M. (2022). An integrative conceptual two-factor model of workplace value congruence and incongruence. Management Research Review, 45(7), 897-912.
Tootell, A., Kyriazis, E., Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., Garrett-Jones, S., & Wallace, G. G. (2021). Knowledge creation in complex inter-organizational arrangements: Understanding the barriers and enablers of university-industry knowledge creation in science-based cooperation. Journal of Knowledge Management, 25(4), 743-769.
Swanson, S., Billsberry, J., Kent, A., Skinner, J., & Mueller, J. (2020). Leader prototypicality in sport: The implicit leadership theories of women and men entering sport management careers. Sport Management Review, 23(4), 640-656.
Arquisola, M. J., Zutshi, A., Rentschler, R., & Billsberry, J. (2020). Academic leaders' double bind: Challenges from an Indonesian perspective. International Journal of Educational Management, 34(2), 397-416.
Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., Garrido-Lopez, M., & Stiles, D. (2019). Towards a non-essentialist approach to management education: Philosophical underpinnings from phenomenography. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(4), 626-638.
De Cooman, R., Mol, S. T., Billsberry, J., Boon, C., & Den Hartog, D. N. (2019). Epilogue: Frontiers in person–environment fit research. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(5), 646-652.
Vleugels, W., Tierensa, H., Billsberry, J., Verbruggen, M., & De Cooman, R. (2019). Profiles of fit and misfit: A repeated weekly measures study of perceived value congruence. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(5), 616-630.
Billsberry, J., Escobar Vega, C., & Molineux, J. (2019). Think of the children: Leader development at the edge of tomorrow. Journal of Management and Organization, 25(3), 378-381.
Follmer, E. H., Talbot, D. L., Kristof-Brown, A. L., Astrove, S. L., & Billsberry, J. (2018). Resolution, relief, and resignation: A qualitative study of responses to misfit at work. Academy of Management Journal, 61(2), 440-465.
Billsberry, J., Mueller, J., Skinner, J., Swanson, S., Corbett, B., & Ferkins, L. (2018). Reimagining leadership in sport management: Lessons from the social construction of leadership. Journal of Sport Management, 32(2), 170-182.
Billsberry, J., & North-Samardzic, A. (2016). Surfacing authentic leadership: Inspiration from After Life. Journal of Leadership Education, 15(2), 1-13.
Billsberry, J. (2016). Once learned, never forgotten: Effective leadership development with social construction as a threshold concept. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 30(6), 24-26.
Barton, L., Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., & Barton, H. (2014). Convergence and divergence dynamics in UK and French business schools: How will the pressure for accreditation influence these dynamics? British Journal of Management, 25(2), 305-319.
Cohen, M., & Billsberry, J. (2014). The use of marking rubrics in management education: Issues of deconstruction and andragogy. Journal of Management Education, 38(3), 352-358.
Billsberry, J. (2013). MOOCs: Fad or revolution? Journal of Management Education, 37(6), 739-746.
Billsberry, J. (2013). Teaching leadership from a social constructionist perspective. Journal of Management and Organization, 19(6), 679-688.
Rollag, K., & Billsberry, J. (2012). Technology as an enabler of a new wave of active learning. Journal of Management Education, 36(6), 743-752.
Edwards, J. A., & Billsberry, J. (2010). Testing a multidimensional theory of person-environment fit. Journal of Managerial Issues, 22(4), 476-493.
REPRINTED: Edwards, J. A., & Billsberry, J. (2020). Testing a multidimensional theory of person-environment fit. Journal of Managerial Issues, 32(1), 8-25. [Lead article in the 30th Anniversary edition of the Journal of Managerial Issues.]
Billsberry, J., & Birnik, A. (2010). Management as a contextual practice: The need to balance science, skills and practical wisdom. Organization Management Journal, 7(2), 171-178.
van Ameijde, J. D. J., Nelson, P. C., Billsberry, J., & van Meurs, N. (2009). Improving leadership in higher education institutions: A distributed perspective. Higher Education, 58(6), 763-779.
Ambrosini, V., Billsberry, J., & Collier, N. (2009). Teaching soft issues in strategic management with films: Arguments and suggestions. International Journal of Management Education, 8(1), 63-72.
Billsberry, J. (2009). The social construction of leadership education. Journal of Leadership Education, 8(2), 1-9.
Billsberry, J. (2009). The embedded academic: A management academic discovers management. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal, 2(3), 1-9. Available at:
Birnik, A., & Billsberry, J. (2008). Re-orienting the business school agenda: The case for relevance, rigor and righteousness. Journal of Business Ethics, 82(4), 985-999.
Coldwell, D. A. L., Billsberry, J., van Meurs, N., & Marsh, P. J. G. (2008). The effects of person-organization ethical fit on employee attraction and retention: Towards a testable explanatory model. Journal of Business Ethics, 78(4), 611-622.
Billsberry, J., & Gilbert, L. H. (2008). Using Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to teach different recruitment and selection paradigms. Journal of Management Education, 32(2), 228-247.
Billsberry, J. and Edwards, G. (2008) Toxic celluloid: Representations of bad leadership on film and implications for leadership development. Organisations and People, 15(3), 104-110.
Billsberry, J. (2007). Attracting for values: An empirical study of ASA’s attraction proposition. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(2), 132-149. [2008 Outstanding Paper Award: Award for the best paper published in the Journal of Managerial Psychology in 2007.]
Wilks, L. J., & Billsberry, J. (2007). Should we do away with teleworking? An examination of whether teleworking can be defined in the new world of work. New Technology, Work and Employment, 22(2), 168-177.
Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., Moss-Jones, J., & Marsh, P. J. G. (2005). Some suggestions for mapping organizational members’ sense of fit. Journal of Business and Psychology, 19(4), 555-570.
Book, Film, and Software Reviews (6)
Billsberry, J. (2019). HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership Lessons from Sports. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(1), 114-116.
Billsberry, J. (2019). Concussion (and Other Off-Field Sport Business Movies). Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(1), 112-114.
Billsberry, J. (2014). CrazyTalk. Journal of Management Education, 38(2), 289-298.
Billsberry, J. (2013). English Vinglish. Journal of Management Education, 37(6), 868-872.
Billsberry, J., Talbot, D., Nelson, P. C., Edwards, J. A., Godrich, S. G., Davidson, R. A. G., & Carter, C. J. P. (2010). The people make the place: Dynamic linkages between individuals and organizations. Personnel Psychology, 63(2), 483-487.
Billsberry, J., Edwards, J. A., Talbot, D., Nelson, P. C., Davidson, R. A. G., Godrich, S. G., & Marsh, P. J. G. (2009). Perspectives on Organizatonal Fit. Personnel Psychology, 62(4), 880-883.
Editorial Introductions, Calls, Obituaries, etc. (14)
Billsberry, J., Köhler, T., Stratton, M., Cohen, M., & Taylor, M. S. (2019). Introduction to the special issue on rhythms of academic life. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(2), 119-127.
Billsberry, J., Kempster, S., & Jackson, B. (2018). In memory of Professor Ken Parry. Journal of Management and Organization. 24(3), 329-311.
Billsberry, J., De Cooman, R., Mol, S. T., Boon, C., & den Hartog, D. (2016). Experiencing fit and misfit: process views, dynamic interactions, and temporal considerations. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25(3). 474-475.
Billsberry, J. (2014). The rise and rise of management edutainment. Journal of Management Education, 38(2), 151-159.
Billsberry, J. (2014). Desk-rejects: 10 top tips to avoid the cull. Journal of Management Education, 38(1), 3-9.
Billsberry, J. (2013). A longitudinal empirical study into the buildup of fluff in my belly button. Journal of Management Education, 37(5), 595-600.
Cohen, M. & Billsberry, J. (2013). Making progress by glancing backward: Celebrating the introduction of the review article to the field of management education. Journal of Management Education, 37(4), 439-446.
Billsberry, J. (2013). From persona non grata to mainstream: The use of film in management teaching as an example of how the discipline of management education is changing. Journal of Management Education, 37(3), 299-304.
Billsberry, J., Kenworthy, A. L., Hrivnak, G. A., & Brown, K. G. (2013). Daring to be different: Unconferences, new conferences, and reimagined conferences. Journal of Management Education, 37(2), 175-179.
Billsberry, J. (2012). Times change and we with them. Journal of Management Education, 36(5), 607-613.
Billsberry, J., & Rollag, K. (2010). New technological advances applied to management education. Journal of Management Education, 34(1), 186-188.
Meisel, S., & Billsberry, J. (2009). Social responsibility in the management classroom. Organization Management Journal, 6(3), 164-165.
Billsberry, J., & Meisel, S. (2009). Leadership is in the eye of the beholder. Organization Management Journal, 6(2), 67-68.
Billsberry, J. (2008). Management education as an emotional science. Organization Management Journal, 5(3), 149-151.
Books and Chapters
Books (Authored)
Billsberry, J. (2010). Person-Organisation Fit: Value Congruence in Attraction and Selection Decisions. Köln, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-8383-3729-6
Billsberry, J. (2007). Experiencing Recruitment and Selection. Chichester: Wiley. ISBN 978-0-470-05731-1 (ppc) 978-0-470-05730-8 (pbk).
Billsberry, J. (2000). Finding and Keeping the Right People. 2nd (revised) edition. London: Prentice Hall. UK ISBN 0 273 61698 6
- Mandarin (中华工商联合出版社, 2002 ISBN 7-80100-827-8)
- French (Réussir ses recrutements (et savoir les conserver),2000, Paris: Editions Village Mondial, Pearson Education, Les Echos. ISBN 2-84211-109-5)
- Russian (КАК ПОДОБРАТЬ И СОХРАНИТЬ НУЖНЙ ПЕРСОНАЛ, 2002, Баланс-Аудит. ISBN 966-8216-00-8)
- Malay (Mencari dan Mengekalkan Pekerja Terbaik, 2002, Pearson Malaysia)
- Spanish
Billsberry, J. (1996). Finding and Keeping the Right People. London: Pitman Professional Publishing. ISBN 0 273 61698 6
Books (Edited)
Billsberry, J., & Talbot, D. L. (In press; Eds.), Employee Misfit: Theories, Perspectives, and New Directions. Singapore: Springer Nature.
Kristof-Brown, A. L., & Billsberry, J. (2013; Eds.). Organizational Fit: Key Issues and New Directions. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwells. ISBN: 978-0-470-68361-3 (print)
Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., & Leonard, P. (2012; Eds.). Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10:1617358746, ISBN-13:978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)
Billsberry, J. (2009; Ed.). Discovering Leadership. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0-230-57584-6 (hbk) 978-0-230-57584-4 (pbk)
Salaman, J. G., Storey, J., & Billsberry, J. (2005; Eds.). Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice. London: Sage. ISBN 1-4129-1900-2 (hbk) 1-4129-1901-0 (pbk)
Billsberry, J. (1996; Ed.). The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations. London: Sage. English version. UK ISBN: 0 7619 5110-5 (hbk) 0 7619 5111-3 (pbk).
- Czech (Efektivní správce: Perspektivy a ilustrace)
- Slovak (Efektívny manažér: Perspektívy a príklady)
- Bulgarian
- Romanian (Management competitiv: Perspective şi exemplificări)
- Hungarian (Hatékony menedzser: Távlatok és illusztrációk)
Billsberry, J., & Swanson, S. (in press). Measuring perceived employee misfit: Some initial thoughts and scale suggestions. In J. Billsberry & D. L. Talbot (Eds.), Employee Misfit: Theories, Perspectives, and New Directions. Singapore: Springer Nature.
Billsberry, J., Talbot, D. L., & Hollyoak, B. M. (in press). A note on the romance of misfit: Maverickism. In J. Billsberry & D. L. Talbot (Eds.), Employee Misfit: Theories, Perspectives, and New Directions. Singapore: Springer Nature.
Billsberry, J. (in press). Person-organization fit. In V. Ratten (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Billsberry, J., & Egri, C. P. (2017). Leadership development through videography. In S. Kempster, G. Edwards, & A. F. Turner (Eds.) The Field Guide to Leadership Development: Creative Guidelines for Practice and Design, pp. 133-148. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78536 990 2 (cased) 978 1 78536 991 9 (eBook) DOI 10.4337/9781785369919
Billsberry, J., & Brown, K. G. (2017). The medium is the message: On the emergence of autonomous learning, MOOCs, and technology-enabled active learning. In J. E. Ellingson & R. A. Noe (Eds.), Autonomous Learning in the Workplace, pp. 237-259. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Organizational Frontiers Series. New York, NY: Routledge.
Billsberry, J. (2015). On solutions to the crisis in management education: Can Business Schools improve the effectiveness of managers? In Wilkinson, A., Townsend K., & Suter, G. (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Managing Managers, pp. 183- 202. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78347 428 8 (cased), ISBN 978 1 78347 429 5 (eBook)
Kristof-Brown, A. L., & Billsberry, J. (2013). Fit for the future. In Kristof-Brown, A. L., & Billsberry, J. (Eds.) Organizational Fit: Key Issues and New Directions, pp. 1-18. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwells. ISBN: 978-0-470-68361-3 (print)
Billsberry, J., Talbot, D. L., & Ambrosini, V. (2013). Mapping fit: Maximizing idiographic and nomothetic benefits, pp. 124-141. In Kristof-Brown, A. L., & Billsberry, J. (Eds.) Organizational Fit: Key Issues and New Directions. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwells. ISBN: 978-0-470-68361-3 (print)
Billsberry, J., Leonard, P., & Charlesworth, J. (2012). Die another day: Effective teaching with film and television. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., & Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. xi-xxvii. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10: 1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)
Ambrosini, V., Billsberry, J., & Collier, N. (2012). To boldly go where few have gone before: Teaching strategy with moving images. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., & Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. 171-191. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10:1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)
Champoux, J. E., & Billsberry, J. (2012). Using moving images in management education: Technology, formats, delivery and copyright. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., & Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. 149-158. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10: 1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)
Billsberry, J. (2012). Using visual media to teach recruitment and selection. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., & Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. 209-222. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10:1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)
Searle, R. H., & Billsberry, J. (2011). The development and destruction of organizational trust during recruitment and selection. In Searle, R. H., & Skinner, D. (Eds.) Trust and Human Resource Management, pp. 67-86. Chichester: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978 1 84844 464 5 (hbk)
Billsberry, J. (2009). Leadership: A contested construct. In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) Discovering Leadership, pp. 24-34. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0-230-57584-6 (hbk) 978-0-230-57584-4 (pbk)
Billsberry, J. (2009). A leadership curriculum. In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) Discovering Leadership, pp. 1-11. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0-230-57584-6 (hbk) 978-0-230-57584-4 (pbk)
Billsberry, J., & Nelson, P. C. (2008). The impact of individualism on the outcome of penalty shoot-outs in international football tournaments. In Reilly, T. & Korkusuz, F. (Eds.) Science and Football VI, pp. 169-173. Oxford: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415429092 (hbk)
van Ameijde, J. D. J., Nelson, P. C., Billsberry, J., & van Meurs, N. (2008). Distributed leadership in project teams. In Turnbull-James, K. & Collins, J. (Eds.) Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action, pp. 223-237. London: Palgrave. ISBN 978-0-230-51604-5 (hbk) 0-230-51694-1 (pbk)
Clark, T. A. R., & Billsberry, J. (2007). Jak „łowcy głów” wybierają swoje ofiary: przegląd metod selekcji stosowanych w agencjach doradztwa personalnego w czterech krajach europejskich. (How headhunters select their prey: A review of selection methods used by executive search consultancies in four European countries). In Witkowski, T. (Ed.) Dobór Personelu: Koncepcje, Narzêdzia, Konteksty (Personnel Selection: Concepts, Tools, Contexts), pp. 63-86. Taszów: Biblioteka Moderatora. ISBN 978-83-923427-2-4
Storey, J., Salaman, J. G., & Billsberry, J. (2005). Strategic Human Resource Management: Defining the field. In Salaman, J. G., Storey, J. & Billsberry, J. (Eds.) Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, pp. 1-11. London: Sage. ISBN 1-4129-1900-2 (hbk) 1-4129-1901-0 (pbk)
Billsberry, J. (2000). Socialising teleworkers into the organisation. In Daniels, K. J., Lamond, D. & Standen, P. (Eds.) Managing Telework, pp. 43-52. London: International Thomson Business.
Billsberry, J. (1998). Gap analysis. In Scholes, K., Johnson, G., & Ambrosini, V. (Eds.) Techniques of Analysis and Evaluation in Strategic Management, pp. 219-228. London: Prentice Hall.
Clark, T. A. R., & Billsberry, J. (1998). Jak „łowcy głów” wybierają swoje ofiary (How headhunters select their prey). In Witkowski, T. (Ed.) Nowoczesne Metody Doboru i Oceny Personelu (Advances in Selection and Assessment), pp. 79-98. Warsaw, Poland: Wydawnictwo Profesjonalnej Szkoły Biznesu.
Billsberry, J. (1996). When does recruitment and selection end? The 9A organisational entry cycle and a horticultural metaphor. In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations, pp. 151-156. London: Sage. ISBN: 0 7619 5110-5 (hbk) 0 7619 5111-3 (pbk)
Billsberry, J. (1996). There is nothing so practical as a good theory: How can theory help managers become more effective? In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations, pp. 1-27. London: Sage. ISBN: 0 7619 5110-5 (hbk) 0 7619 5111-3 (pbk)
Billsberry, J. (1994). Making fair selection decisions. In Thomson, R. J., & Mabey, C. (Eds.) Developing Human Resources, pp. 97-121. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Billsberry, J. (1994). Working with numbers. In Giles, K. E., & Hedge, N. (Eds.) The Manager’s Good Study Guide, pp. 175-225. Milton Keynes: The Open University.
Minor Contributions to Books
Billsberry, J. (2015). 'OB in Film' internet learning resource sections ( for Chapters 4 Personality and Self-Identity (p. 126), 5 Perception and Emotion, 12 Leadership, 11 Communications, and 14 Power, Politics and Conflict. In J. Bratton, Introduction to Work and Organizational Behaviour, 3rd Edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN-10: 1137408685, ISBN-13: 978-1137408686
Billsberry, J. (2010). 'OB in Film' sections for Chapters 4 Personality and Identity (p. 126), 5 Perception and Emotion (p. 157), 13 Leadership (p. 381), 14 Communications (p. 405) and 16 Power, Politics and Conflict (p. 430) in Bratton, J., Sawchuk, P., Forshaw, C., Callinan, M., and Corbett, M. Work and Organizational Behaviour, 2nd Edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-0-230-23061-3 (pbk)
Deakin University SETU and eVALUate Scores
(i.e., end of trimester University-driven student satisfaction scores and a selection of quotes from students)
2018 (T3) MPM773 Contemporary Issues in Leadership intensive unit eVALUate: 100% (6 of 19 students, 31.6% response rate)
- "Highly effective, his approach of experiential learning is brilliant as it engages you and draws you in to a level of understanding more quickly and enjoyably, that you become highly motivated to participate and excel. His depth of experience, relaxed and strong approach, underpinned by his extensive experience on the topic makes Jon one of the stand out lecturers that i have had, and to date all my lecturers have been very good. His ability to push boundaries but never make any-one feel uncomfortable is also a stand out skill. Authentic, open and honest. A class act, a credit to Deakin"
- "Jon was able to practically enable me to learn and implement persuasion and argument structure that can be used in real life. The teaching method is exceptional and I wish more units would have more Learning goals like this one."
- "I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Jon during this unit, only wish that we had more time. His teaching style really made you think and research yourself instead of being death by power point. He challenged but in a safe environment and actually gave me back some confidence by doing it this way. I have already taken some of the teachings and used them in the work place, which has proven very successful. Was nice to finish up my MBA journey on this subject and with Jon, sad that I didn't have any other subjects with him."
2017 (T3) MPM775 Personal Leadership intensive unit eVALUate: 100% (3 of 7 students, 42.9% response rate)
- "Jon is an exceptional postgrad teacher, who strives to guide the self-learning of students. His style is creative and challenging."
- "I have to say, it a great unit thus it improves my academic ability as well as learned digital literacy. In the digital age, digital literacy is a useful tool for my work and even social life. Meanwhile, making a documentary to show understanding of leadership and improvement of my leadership ability, it's just amazing idea. Hence, it allows me improving my competence of leadership and digital skill in the digital age."
2017 (T1) MPM772 An Act of Leadership intensive unit eVALUate: 100% (3 of 4 students, 75.0% response rate)
- "Jon is [the] best lecturer; he shows the value of leadership itself by his teaching."
- "Jon is amazing - the best educator so far during my MBA studies. Excellent unit."
2016 (T3) Contemporary Issues in Leadership intensive unit eVALUate: 100% (2 of xx students, xx.x% response rate)
- "The experiential nature of this unit provides so much more than can be learnt from either lectures or books alone. Some elements/techniques were new, many were not. How to put all the elements together, when, how to use and practice them, be provided feedback & constructive critique was the most valuable. You can not attain this from books/lectures without the necessary practicing to gain experience."
2016 (T2) MPM775 Personal Leadership intensive unit eVALUate: 100% (2 of 5 students, 40.0% response rate)
- "Jon is always approachable and delivers an excellent mode of teaching that is both academic and practical. The Master of Leadership program is THE reason I came to Deakin and Jon's management of this program and his teaching have not disappointed. I believe this program is going to be a key qualification needed to address the lack of effective leadership across corporate Australia currently. The experiential learning mode and the requirement for self reflection and awareness are a key contributor to being able to integrate the learning into everyday leadership issues."
2016 (T2) MPM772 An Act of Leadership intensive unit eVALUate: 100% (7 of 9 students, 77.8% response rate)
- "It was a very positive experience having the opportunity to study with Jon. The process not only deepened my understanding of leadership and my own capabilities"
- "Excellent. Very approachable and able to convey messages in a way that not only do you learn, but you also know that you have learnt something."
- "Jon did a really good job. Down to earth approach and was engaging."
- "Jon is passionate about the topic of leadership in general and about the importance of experiential learning for students to explore leadership in their context. He conveyed the theory clearly - particularly the elements about social construction of leadership and about the importance of visual perception in evaluating leadership and leaders. His use of the movie-making assignments is consistent with the topic, experiential learning and the theory elements. He is available to students throughout the learning experience and seeks to ensure all students maximise learning outcomes and experiences."
2016 (T2) MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential school eVALUate: 83% (6 of 19 students, 31.6% response rate)
- "Nothing to say.... except please continue to offer these innovative programs Deakin University (and Jon)... learning through creation is such a powerful tool, and Jon does it so well."
- "Jon provided a fantastic amount of support, and the group discussions were extremely relevant and a great way to understand the coursework. I really enjoyed the way he steered the conversations, and the method of assessment through video is both original, whilst forcing a student to think and apply the theories learned."
- "Excellent teacher. Organised, Challenging & insightful"
2016 (T1) MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential school eVALUate: 100% (10 of 19 students, 52.6% response rate)
- "Extremely engaging residential unit, well taught and structured in a manner that thoroughly engaged the students."
- "I truly enjoyed the use of film, it was a fantastic learning experience for which I benefited on and enjoyed the approach. I also enjoyed the way in which groups were put together as it required people to go outside of their comfort zones / groups and mix with other students for an increased learning experience. This was my most enjoyable MBA subject, one which I have taken the most away and left me with wanting to learn more, fantastic experiential learning."
- "Jon is amazing. Love his enthusiasm, candour, humour and thoughtfulness. Susan is lovely - puts so much effort into assessment and feedback. They are a great team."
2015 (T3) MPM772 An Act of Leadership (prev. The Social Construction of Leadership) intensive unit eVALUate: 100% (4 of 15 students, 26.7% response rate)
- "Jon is a genius, he has combined the right amount of theory with the practical. This unit had a profound effect on the way I think about Leadership and what I will put into practice to help me and the people around me be better. Jon goes beyond the effort, puts enormous hours in and does what it takes to get a great outcome for the student. I have recommended this unit to people at Deakin, as well as others in Local Government contemplating additional study after their MBA. Deakin can really differentiate themselves, also this has huge commercial potential for the Corporate sector."
- "This is one of the most powerful units I have had. Through the practice (making a video) I learnt about leadership, filming and team work. It was an amazing experience."
2015 (T1) MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential school eVALUate: 100% (10 of 16 students, 62.5% response rate)
- "I enjoyed the video format and appreciated the creativity and guidance on techniques of video production. I found that the discussion and review of the videos provided a richness to the conversation and theory related to leadership."
- "Living the leadership lessons that were taught through working as a team in the movie assessments were a fantastic way to both demonstrate understanding through how we worked together as well as the final output was an interesting and effective method to teach the syllabus. By building self-awareness of your own leadership style and how this interacts with leadership styles of others was invaluable."
2014 (T2) MPM772 The Social Construction of Leadership intensive unit eVALUate: 100% (3 of 12 students, 25.0% response rate)
- "Fantastic unit. Jon Billsberry is a superior teacher at Deakin. The ability to focus and hone in on a task of writing a screenplay, filming it and producing it in just one week seemed to be overwhelming at first but it was amazing what you could do with that single-minded focus. The theory around the unit is very thought provoking also. Andrea was a good assistant."
- "I really enjoyed the dynamic in this unit and found that it took me away from my comfort zone and forced me to draw on my creativity. The through the lens approach really encapsulated the subject in an effective way and I hope my work reflects this. The real bonus was to experience working with film making equipment and editing programs, which I have now incorporated into my current role to connect with stakeholders. This experiential approach to learning was full of many useful insights and made it very enjoyable."
- "Jon introduced a controversial theory in this unit and it generated a lot of thought and discussion amongst students."
2014 (T1) MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential school SETU: 4.80/5.00 (10 of 16 students, 62.5% response rate)
- "Jon was outstanding, he challenges us whilst at the same time was very encouraging and supportive. He clearly is passionate about the topic which came through in his teachings."
- "This Unit was exceptionally well delivered. Jon uses a plethora of means to engage with (and excite) the students and impart his wide knowledge of the subject. He adopts a very informal and relaxed atmosphere which I found conducive to learning."
- "Jon is a passionate teacher with an enticing learning style. The more you get the more you want to learn and challenge myself. Jon was always approachable and encouraged students to learn outside students comfort zone. He showed his willingness to listen to feedback and offer guidance when sought. Thank you for a truly engaging learning experience."
- "As my first unit of uni for many years Jon made me feel welcome and created a relaxed, open environment for learning. He has a very deep and broad knowledge of Leadership and I really enjoyed the residential."
- "It was obvious how much thought and effort went into how to teach this unit. Jon is engaging, inspiring and knew what he was talking about. His passion for teaching come through in everything he does."
2013 (T3) MPR721 Organisational Behaviour residential school SETU: 4.50/5.00 (12 out of 29 students, 41.4% response rate)
- "Jon is a very engaging lecturer that challenges the way you think and introduces you to other sides of arguments."
- "I enjoyed Jon's unique teaching style which efficiently and effectively conveyed key concepts. I look forward to attending further unit's taught by Jon."
- "Jon has a mannerism which I had not experienced before from a lecturer, which i quickly found to to be grounded and real-world. His teaching style was particularly engaging, as was his use of media as a learning device. His knowledge of management and beahvioural concepts was clearly far wider-reaching than just the OB topics we were looking at, and he utilised this knowledge to delve into expert discussion as well as to invoke critical thinking and application of theory. I have since applied Jon's teachings daily in the corporate environment in which I operate. Although I have only known Jon for this short time, I am considering enrolment in more of his units in light of the value I have derived from his teachings. Unfortunately Jon will now become the yard-stick against which I will rate all future lecturers! Thanks for a great unit Jon."
2013 (T2) MPM772 The Social Construction of Leadership intensive unit SETU: 4.67/5.00 (9 of 10 students, 90% response rate)
- "Jon relies on his students being grown-ups. This is most refreshing. I find him clear in his comms and utterly empathic."
- "Passionate about leadership, approachable."
- "Outstanding Professor, full of knowledge, insight, innovation and experience."
2013 (T1) MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential school SETU: 4.78/5.00 (9 of 16 students, 56.3% response rate)
- "Jon is both highly knowledgeable about the content and practical in relation to application. Love his passion and enthusiasm!"
- "Organised, outcome orientated and thoughtful."
- "Jon's approach to teaching is exciting. Learning through film and the associations of the film to teach the content of the unit, through to actually producing your own film, ariticulating the theory into a visual method. I would structure my course around Jon as the unit chair."
- "This is the second unit I've done with Jon. I find him a good communicator and able to implant the knowledge well. His way of ensuring that everyone is on the same page is most refreshing. I really enjoy this experiential way of learning."
2012 (T3) MPR721 Organisational Behaviour residential school SETU: 4.92/5.00 (13 of 36 students, 36.1% response rate)
- "Charismatic lecturer who was able to clearly communicate the theory and engage students in thought provoking discussion."
- "Jon has successfully crafted this subject in such a way that students learn as much about themselves as about the subject of organisational behaviour. The topics that Jon covered have many practical applications in the world of work and in every day life. I can honestly say that I think differently about motivation and leadership as a result of this course. I have recommended it to everyone!"
- "Awesome. Delivery, content, knowledge of the topic was fantastic. The engagement he managed to pull from the group was outstanding."
- "A very memorable and life changing experience, Thank you John this unit has taught me so much and have applied some of the learnings to both my professional and personal life."
- "I've never been more inspired or challenged than in the time I spent with Jon on this residential. Superb way of engaging and extracting. Much, much appreciated."
2011 (T2) MPR721 Organisational Behaviour residential school SETU: 4.95/5.00 (19 of 45 students, 42.2% response rate)
- "I thought the teaching was brilliant. A great course which challenged in a unique manner - wish there were more teachers like Jon."
- "Probably the most motivating, effective and inspiring education and learning I have undertaken as an adult. Great group, great course and an outstanding leader in Jon. I am normally hard to please with very high standards and I was not bored once. I never felt I was wasting my time. Simply brilliant."
- "Jon is fantastic - provocative, inspirational and a world leader in the field. It was a privilege to learn from such a dynamic educator and academic."
- "A great teacher, who speaks clearly and controls the students well. Separating into new groups for each task was brilliant."
- "Jon was a fantastic lecturer. He led the experiential learning process very well, especially given it was his first time at Deakin."
- "Very interactive , Focused on industry relevant and practical information."
- "Excellent relevant teaching with a good sense of humour."
End of Course Feedback
(i.e., end of unit 'happy sheets')
2017 (T1) MPM772 An Act of Leadership intensive unit feedback: 5.00/5.00 (4 of 4 students, 100% response rate)
2016 (T3) MPM772 An Act of Leadership intensive unit feedback: 5.00/5.00 (6 of 6 students, 100% response rate)
2016 (T2) MPM775 Personal Leadership intensive unit feedback: 5.00/5.00 (5 of 5 students, 100% response rate)
2016 (T2) MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential school feedback: 4.79/5.00 (19 of 19 students, 100% response rate)
2016 (T2) MPM772 An Act of Leadership intensive unit feedback: 4.89/5.00 (9 of 9 students, 100% response rate)
2016 (T1) MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential school feedback: 4.97/5.00 (18 of 18 students (one absent from session), 100% response rate)
2015 (T3) MPM772 An Act of Leadership intensive unit feedback: 4.87/5.00 (15 of 15 students, 100% response rate)
2015 (T1) MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential school feedback: 5.00/5.00 (16 of 16 students, 100% response rate)
2014 (T1) MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential school feedback: 4.80/5.00 (15 of 15 students (one absent from session), 100% response rate)
2013 (T2) MPM772 The Social Construction of Leadership intensive unit feedback: 5.00/5.00 (9 of 10 students, 90% response rate)
2013 (T1) MPR771 Principles of Leadership residential school feedback: 4.94/5.00 (16 of 16 students, 100% response rate)
Teaching Materials
Teaching Materials (Authored)
Eljiz, K., Billsberry, J., and Blunsdon, B. (2012). Activities Guide. MPM721 Organisational Behaviour. Deakin Graduate School of Management, Deakin University.
Billsberry, J. (2009). Internet Case Studies. B204 Making It Happen! Leadership, Influence and Change. Open University Business School, The Open University:
- Richard Branson
- Erin Brockovich
- Gordon Brown
- Winston Churchill
- Gandhi
- Che Guevara
- Henry V
- Adolf Hitler
- John F. Kennedy
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Osama bin Laden
- John Major
- Jamie Oliver
- Spartacus
- Margaret Thatcher
Billsberry, J. (2008). Leadership Study Guide. B204 Making It Happen! Leadership, Influence and Change. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J., Fenton-O’Creevy, M. F. and Pointon, J. (2005). Benchmarking. B824 Managing Human Resources, Book 10, Session 4. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (2005). The Vulnerability of Learning: The Case of the NHS University. B824 Managing Human Resources, Book 7, Session 7. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (2005). Day School Handbook. B824 Managing Human Resources (76 pp). Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (2005). Tutors' Day School Handbook. B824 Managing Human Resources (72 pp). Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J., Hyett, K., & Pointon, J. (2005). TMA and Examination Handbook, B824 Managing Human Resources (72 pp). Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (2005). Changing Cultures. B824 Managing Human Resources, Book 8. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (2004-2005). 10 Self-test study sessions, one for each of the ten units of B824 Managing Human Resources. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (2004). Performance Management in Practice. B824 Managing Human Resources, Book 3, Session 7. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (2004). Managing Ethically. B824 Managing Human Resources, Book 2, Session 7. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1998). Examination Handbook. B600 The Capable Manager (60 pp). Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1998). Study Guide and Learning Portfolio. British Aerospace Virtual University/Lancaster University/OUBS Corporate Certificate in Management (60 pp). Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1997). Planning and Managing Change. B600 The Capable Manager, Book 8. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1996). Cultures and Quality. B654 The Effective Manager, Book 10. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1996). Structures and Networks. B654 The Effective Manager, Book 9. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1996). Job Design. B654 The Effective Manager, Book 4, Session 3. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1995). Organisational Entry. B800 Foundations of Senior Management, Book 2, Session 2. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1994). Managing Your Boss. B600 The Capable Manager, Book 3, Session 5. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1994). Understanding Structures and Cultures. B600 The Capable Manager, Book 7. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1994). Alternative Methods of Recruitment and Selection. B600 The Capable Manager, Book 5, Session 5 and B654 The Effective Manager, Book 5, Session 4. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1994). Finding Your Next Job. B600 The Capable Manager, Book 5, Appendix and B654 The Effective Manager, Book 5, Appendix. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (1994). Better Selection Interviews. B654 The Effective Manager, Book 5, Session 3. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. & Altman, Y. (1994). An Awareness of International Cultures. B600 The Capable Manager, Book 7, Appendix. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Teaching Materials (Edited)
Billsberry, J. & Fenton-O’Creevy, M. F. (Ed., 2005). Evaluating and Reviewing Human Resource Issues. B824 Managing Human Resources, Book 10. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 2005). Competences and Capabilities. B824 Managing Human Resources Book 6. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 2004). The Strategic Management of People. B824 Managing Human Resources Book 2. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 2004). Setting the Agenda. B824 Managing Human Resources Book 1. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 1998). The Effective Manager. Core Book 1, British Aerospace Virtual University/Lancaster University/OUBS Corporate Certificate in Management. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 1998). Managing Change. Core Book 2, British Aerospace Virtual University/Lancaster University/OUBS Corporate Certificate in Management. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 1998). Project Management. Core Book 3, British Aerospace Virtual University/Lancaster University/OUBS Corporate Certificate in Management. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 1998). Understanding the World of Business. Optional Book 1, British Aerospace Virtual University/Lancaster University/OUBS Corporate Certificate in Management. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 1998). Understanding People. Optional Book 2, British Aerospace Virtual University/Lancaster University/OUBS Corporate Certificate in Management. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 1998). Managing Differences. Optional Book 3, British Aerospace Virtual University/Lancaster University/OUBS Corporate Certificate in Management. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 1996). Motivation and Job Design. B654 The Effective Manager, Book 4. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 1996). Recruitment and Selection. B654 The Effective Manager, Book 5. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. & Shields, D. L. (Eds., 1996). Control and Planning. B654 The Effective Manager, Book 2. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 1994). Power and Conflict. B600 The Capable Manager, Book 4. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. (Ed., 1994). Job Design and Staff Recruitment. B600 The Capable Manager, Book 5. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Billsberry, J. & Mole, R. H. (Eds., 1994). Leadership and Motivation. B600 The Capable Manager, Book 3. Open University Business School, The Open University.
Conference Organisation
Chair of the organising committee for the 5th Global e-Conference on Fit, December 2016.
Co-Organiser of the Research in Management Learning and Education (RMLE) Unconference, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, February 2013 (with Brown, K. G., Kenworthy, A. L., and Hrivnak, G.):
Chair of the organising committee for the 4th Global e-Conference on Fit, December 2010.
Chair of the organising committee for the 3rd Global e-Conference on Fit, November 2009.
Chair of the organising committee for the 2nd Global e-Conference on Fit, November 2008.
Organiser of the 1st Global e-Conference on Fit, 19-21 November 2007:
Conference Session Management
Session Chair & Presenter, of a symposium entitled "Organisational misfit: A practice turn in organisational fit research" for the Organizational Psychology track at the British Academy of Management (BAM), Bristol, UK, 2018.
Facilitator at the JME/MED Writers Workshop (PDW) at the Academy of Management, San Antonio, TX, August, 2011.
Session Chair/Facilitator of a developmental paper session for the Organisational Psychology track at the British Academy of Management, Sheffield, September, 2010.
Session Chair/Facilitator for two developmental paper sessions in the Organisational Psychology track at the British Academy of Management, Brighton, September, 2009.
Facilitator at the OMJ/JME MED Writers Workshop (PDW) at the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL., August, 2009.
Member of the Editors' Panel at the 36th Annual OBTC: Teaching Conference for Management Educators, Charleston, SC., June, 2009.
Expert panel member at the Person-Environment Fit Incubator professional development workshop (PDW) at the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA., August, 2008.
Facilitator of the interactive paper session called 'Topics and Practices in Management Education' at the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA., August, 2008.
Facilitator at the MED Writers professional development workshop (PDW) at the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA., August, 2008.
Presenter at the 'Making Large Global Collaborations Succeed' professional development workshop (PDW) at the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA., August, 2008.
Session Chair for the paper session What's New in Management Education?: A Look at Four New Approaches for Teaching and Learning' at the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA., August, 2008.
Chair for the 'Using film as a teaching resource' session at the 2nd Open Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, October 2007.
Session chair for the paper session 'Studies in person-organisation fit' in the Organisational Psychology stream at the British Academy of Management conference, Warwick, September 2007.
Session chair for the developmental paper session 'Motivation studies' in the Organisational Psychology stream at the British Academy of Management conference, Warwick, September 2007.
Discussant for the paper session 'Teaching Strategy: Different Options' at the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA., August 2007.
Moderator of the oral paper session 'Penalty Shootouts' at the 6th World Congress on Science and Football, Antalya, Turkey, January 2007 (with Williams, A. M.).
Session Chair for the paper session 'Advances in person-organisation fit' in the Organisational Psychology stream at the British Academy of Management conference, Belfast, September 2006.
Session Chair for the paper session 'Support, safety and trust' in the Organisational Psychology stream at the British Academy of Management conference, Oxford, September 2005.
Session Chair for the paper session 'Lighten Up! Understanding the influence of humour and positive mood in work settings' at the Academy of Management, Hawaii, HI., August 2005.
Session Chair for the recruitment and selection papers at the 1st HRM-The Inside Story conference, Milton Keynes, April 1996.
Other Conference Involvement
Attended the Doctoral Consortium of the Organizational Behavior/Organization and Management Theory/Organization Development and Change divisions of the Academy of Management held at the annual meeting in Cincinnati, OH., 1996.
Keynote Addresses and Invited Contributions
Billsberry, J. (2024). Rethinking leader development. Presentation at the 'Leadership in our DNA: A Showcase Event by Leadership Futures Hub' symposium, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, 11th November 2024.
Billsberry, J. (2024). An introduction to bibliometric reviews (and library searches). Presentation to La Trobe Business School, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 16th July 2024.
Billsberry, J. (2023). Lessons for leadership from teaching leadership. Presentation to the FLOW Network, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 3rd April 2023.
Billsberry, J. (2019). Getting started as a management education researcher. Presentation to the Department of Management, Monash University, Red Hill, Australia, 17th July 2019.
Billsberry, J. (2019). Lessons from the inside: A guide to publishing in Academy of Management Learning & Education and other management education journals. Presentation to Business & Law Education Research @ Deakin (BLER@D) at Deakin University, Burwood, Australia, 2nd May 2019.
Billsberry, J. (2018). A guide to publishing in management education journals. Presentation at Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Surfer's Paradise, Australia, UK, 24th July 2018.
Billsberry, J. (2018). A guide to publishing in management education journals. Presentation at Middlesex Business School, Middlesex University, London, UK, 5th March 2018. Click here for details.
Billsberry, J. (2017) Introducing the negative affect misfit model. Presentation at a small group meeting of European organisational fit researchers, KU Leuven, Antwerp, Belgium, 29th September 2017.
Billsberry, J. (2017). Unconventional top tips for successful publishing in business and management journals. Presentation at the Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 18th August 2017.
Billsberry, J. (2016). Teaching leadership from a social constructionist perspective: Movies, videography, and filmmaking. Keynote presentation to the Becoming a Leader: A Matter of Education? conference, Nord Universitet, Bodø, Norway, 21st June 2016.
Billsberry, J. (2016). Showcasing the use of student videography in the leadership and management classroom. Invited (and refereed) Professional Development Workshop (PDW) at the 2nd International Academy of Management Human Resource Management conference, Sydney, Australia, 20 February, 2016.
Billsberry, J. (2015). A guide to using films, videography, and filmmaking in OB, leadership, and management. Presentation at NEOMA Business School, Rouen campus, Rouen, France, 4 June 2015.
Billsberry, J. (2015). A guide to publishing in management education. Presentation at NEOMA Business School, Rouen campus, Rouen, France, 4 June 2015.
Billsberry, J. (2015). A guide to using films, videography, and filmmaking in OB, leadership, and management. Presentation at NEOMA Business School, Reims campus, Reims, France, 3 June 2015.
Billsberry, J. (2015). A guide to publishing in management education. Presentation at NEOMA Business School, Reims campus, Reims, France, 3 June 2015.
Billsberry, J. (2014). Forefronting behaviour in the OB and leadership classrooms: Movies, videography, and filmmaking. Pearson ANZAM Management Educator of the Year Masterclass, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) annual conference, Sydney, Australia, 3 December 2014.
Billsberry, J. (2014). Applications of person-organisation fit in real world recruitment and selection decisions. Keynote presentation to the 8th Dutch Flemish Meeting on Personnel Recruitment and Selection, Center of Job Knowledge Research, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17 October 2014.
Billsberry, J. (2014). Tearing apart two paradigms of fit. Keynote presentation to the Small Group Meeting (SGM) on Opening New Frontiers in Person-Environment Fit Research. European Association of Work and Organizaional Psychology (EAWOP), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15-16 October 2014.
Billsberry, J. (2014). Adding practice fields to business schools. In R. P. Wright and K. G. Brown (Eds.) Educating Tomorrow's Thought-Leaders: Distinguished Scholars Answer a Burning Question. Booklet for discussion at the launch of the Strategic Management Society (SMS) Teaching Community. PDF
Billsberry, J. (2014). Performance from performances: A new approach to leadership development. Keynote presentation to the Graduate Management Association of Australia (GMAA) National Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 4 July 2014.
Billsberry, J. (2014). From thesis to journal article. Presentation to the ANZAM Mid-Year Research Student Workshop, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, 20 June 2014.
Panel Member at the 'Meet the Editors' session, ANZAM conference, Hobart, Australia, 2013.
Billsberry, J. (2012). A guide to publishing in management education journals. Presentation at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 31 May 2012.
Billsberry, J. (2012). Using I/O expertise to make HR strategic. Presentation to the Christchurch chapter of the Industrial/Organisational division of the New Zealand Psychological Society, Christchurch, New Zealand, 17 May 2012.
Billsberry, J. (2012). Die Another Day: Effective teaching with film in management education. Presentation at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 15 May 2012.
Billsberry, J. (2012). Towards an understanding of perceived fit and misfit. Presentation at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1 May 2012.
Billsberry, J. (2010). The social construction of leadership. Professorial Lecture, Coventry University, Coventry, 8 March 2010.
Billsberry, J. (2010). Trust formation and value congruence during organisational entry. Presentation at the 2nd Seminar in the ESRC Seminar Series on Organisational Trust, 1 March 2010.
Billsberry, J., and Kristof-Brown, A. L. (2009). New directions in organizational fit. Keynote address at the 3rd Global e-Conference on Fit,, 12 November 2009.
Billsberry, J. (2008). Leadership is in the eye of the beholder. Open University Leadership Seminar Series, Milton Keynes, 13 May 2008.
Billsberry, J. (2007). Gaining a presence through online conferencing. Talk at the 4th ESRC 'Advancing research in the business and management field' seminar organised by the British Academy of Management's Research Methods Special Interest Group, Guildford.
Billsberry, J. (2006). Organisational research: The missing link in HR departments. Keynote address at the 2nd Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Human Resource Management Network Conference – Planning for the Future: University HRM in the Next Decade, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Refereed Conference Research Presentations
Sun, Y., & Billsberry, J. (2024). When East meets West: What do Chinese employees talk about when they talk about person-organisation fit? Paper presented at the 37th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) 37th annual conference, Wollongong, Australia.
Mueller, J., Swanson, S., Skinner, J., & Billsberry, J. (2022). Supplementary implicit leadership theory fit and social cohesion in professional sport. Paper accepted for the 30th European Association for Sport Management (EASM) conference, Innsbruck, Austria.
Mueller, J., Swanson, S., Skinner, J., & Billsberry, J. (2021). Validating the factor structure of implicit leadership theories in professional on-field sports. Paper accepted for the 29th European Association for Sport Management EASM Festival for Sport Management Research and Practice annual conference, virtual.
Escobar Vega, C., Billsberry, J., & Molineux, J. (2021). The emergence of implicit leadership theories in children: An empirical study. Paper accepted for the 81st Academy of Management (AoM) annual meeting, online.
Eichler, M., & Billsberry, J. (2020). A phenomenographic study of the understanding of theory in management education. In G. Atinc (Ed.) Best Paper Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Online ISSN: 2151-6561.
Abbasi, Z., Billsberry, J., & Todres, M. (2020). Broadening vision around values: An integrative two-factor theory of workplace value congruence. Paper accepted for the 80th Academy of Management (AoM) annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Molineux, J., Billsberry, J., & Fraser, A. (2020). The flourishing of school principals: An intervention study. Paper accepted for the 80th Academy of Management (AoM) annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Billsberry, J., Swanson, S., Mueller, J. & Skinner, J. (2020). Adapting a generic, non-essentialist, filmmaking approach to leader development to a specific context. Paper accepted for the 5th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Mykonos, Greece. [Not presented due to conference postponement; Covid-19 pandemic]
Escobar Vega, C., Billsberry, J., & Molineux, J. (2020). The pre-context of leader development: An empirical study of the emergence of implicit leadership theories in children. Paper accepted for the 5th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Mykonos, Greece. [Not presented due to conference postponement; Covid-19 pandemic]
Liang, X., Billsberry, K., & Rose, M. (2020). Leadership of the commons by the commons for the commons: How an emerging efficiency context makes leadership redundant. Paper accepted for the 5th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Mykonos, Greece. [Not presented due to conference postponement; Covid-19 pandemic]
Mueller, J., Swanson, S., Skinner, J., Billsberry, J., & Heyworth, C. (2019). Content and structure of implicit effective leadership theories in sports. Paper accepted for the EASM European Sport Management Conference (EASM) 27th annual conference, Seville, Spain. [Not presented due to colleague illness.]
Escobar, C., BIllsberry, J., & Molineux, J. (2018). On the implicit leadership theories of children. Paper presented at the 32nd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) 32nd annual conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
Mueller, J., Skinner, J., Swanson, S., & Billsberry, J. (2018). Surfacing implicit leadership theories in a professional sporting context: A comparison of four research techniques in a Bundesliga handball club. Paper presented at the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) conference, Adelaide, Australia.
Mol, S., & Billsberry, J. (2018). Redefining misfit through a social network lens. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management (BAM), Bristol, UK.
Hollyoak, B., Talbot, D., & Billsberry, J. (2018). Employers’ response to misfit. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management (BAM), Bristol, UK.
Vleugels, W., and Billsberry, J., (2018). On the development of an organisational fit personnel selection tool. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management (BAM), Bristol, UK.
Vleugels, W., Tierens, H., Billsberry, J., Verbruggan, M., & De Cooman, R. (2018). Profiles of fit and misfit: A repeated weekly measures study of perceived value congruence. Proceedings of the Academy of Management, 1. Paper presented at the 78th Academy of Management (AoM), Chicago, USA.
Ambrosini, V., Billsberry, J., Garrido-Lopez, M., & Stiles, D. (2017). Phenomenography in management education: Towards manageable student-centred issues and deep learning. Paper presented at the 31st Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) annual conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Mueller, J., Skinner, J., Swanson, S. & Billsberry, J. (2017). Implicit leadership theories-A phenomenographic study within a sporting context. Paper presented at the 25th European Association for Sport Management (EASM) annual conference, Bern and Magglingen, Switzerland.
Hollyoak, B., Talbot, D., Pyper, N., & Billsberry, J. (2017). Vocalising the experience of misfit: A netnographic study. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management (BAM), Warwick, UK.
Serdyukov, S., Rouleau, L., and Billsberry, J. (2017). Hybrid roles and confusing identities: Becoming a manager in academia. Paper presented at the 33rd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Billsberry, J. and Stiles, D. (2016). Drawing definitions of perceived fit. Paper presented at the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, USA.
Follmer, E. H., Kristof-Brown, A. L., Astrove, S. L. L., Talbot, D., and Billsberry, J. (2016). A qualitative study of the efforts involved in fitting in. Paper presented at the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, USA.
Köhler, T., Billsberry, J. and Cohen, M. (2016). Is journal reviewing good for you? Outcomes of engagement in professional service activities for academic careers. Paper presented at the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, USA.
Kashi, K., Molineux, J., Fraser, A., & Billsberry, J. (2016). Factors enabling Human Resource professionals to experience psychological flow at work. Paper presented at the 2nd International Academy of Management Human Resource Management conference, Sydney, Australia.
Coldwell, D., Williamson, M., Talbot, D., & Billsberry, J. (2015). Ex uno plura? Towards a conceptual model of organizational socialisation and ethical fit. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management (BAM) annual conference, Portsmouth, UK.
Ambrosini, V., Billsberry, J., Garrido-Lopez, M., and Cohen, M. (2015). Illuminating management education by integrating lessons from phenomenographic research. Proceedings of the Academy of Management, 1. Vancouver, Canada
Billsberry, J., and North-Samardzic, A. (2015). Applying the afterlife to the teaching of authentic leadership. Proceedings of the Academy of Management, 1. Paper presented at the Academy of Management (AoM), Vancouver, Canada.
Köhler, T., Billsberry, J., and Cohen, M. (2015). What motivates academics to engage in journal reviewing? Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting (AOM), Vancouver, Canada.
Billsberry, J. (2015). Do organisations really select people based on their value congruence? Paper presented at the Australian Psychological Society's 11th Industrial and Organisational Psychology conference (IOP), Melbourne, Australia.
Billsberry, J., and North-Samardzic, A. (2015). Applying the afterlife to the teaching of authentic leadership. Paper presented at the Australian Psychological Society's 11th Industrial and Organisational Psychology conference (IOP), Melbourne, Australia.
Billsberry, J., North-Samardzic, A., and Cohen, M. (2015). Surreptitious implicit leadership theory discovery: The key to leadership emergence. Paper presented at the Australian Psychological Society's 11th Industrial and Organisational Psychology conference (IOP), Melbourne, Australia.
Molineux, J., Kashi, K., and Billsberry, J. (2015). Psychological flow relating to the experience of Human Resource professionals at work. Paper presented at the Australian Psychological Society's 11th Industrial and Organisational Psychology conference (IOP), Melbourne, Australia.
Billsberry, J., and North-Samardzic, A. (2014). Lights, cameras, behaviour! Teaching leadership through filmmaking. Paper presented at the International Studying Leadership Conference (ISLC), Copenhagen, Denmark.
Billsberry, J. (2014). An empirical test of ASA's selection proposition. Paper presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) annual conference, Honolulu, HI.
Kristof-Brown, A. L., Talbot, D., Billsberry, J., Follmer, E. H., Lolkus, S. (2013). Making the effort to fit in. Paper presented in a Showcase Symposium at the Academy of Management annual conference, Orlando, FL.
Ambrosini, V., Garrido-Lopez, M., & Billsberry, J. (2013). Phenomenography research in Higher Education and its implications for management education. Paper presented at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference (OBTC), Asheville, NC.
Billsberry, J., and Stiles, D. (2012). Picturing organisational fit. Paper presented at the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) annual conference, Perth, Australia.
Barton, L., Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V. and Barton, H. (2012) Accreditation, competition, innovation and beyond: What does the future hold for British and French business schools?. Paper presented at the 1st EFMD Higher Education Research Conference, Zürich, Switzerland.
Billsberry, J., Talbot, D. and Ambrosini, V. (2011) Using causal mapping to find new avenues for organizational fit research. Paper presented at the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) annual conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
Barton, L., Billsberry, J. and Ambrosini, V. (2011) Exploring global trends: Accreditation pressure and isomorphism in French and British B-schools. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Talbot, D. and Billsberry, J. (2011) Empirically distinguishing misfit from fit. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Billsberry, J. (2011) Refocusing organisational fit research on misfit. Paper presented at the 15th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Talbot, D. and Billsberry, J. (2011) An exploratory study into the similarities and differences between organizational fit and misfit. Paper presented at the 15th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Billsberry, J. (2011) Teaching recruitment and selection with films. Paper presented at the British Psychological Society's 40th Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, Stratford-upon-Avon.
Billsberry, J. and De Cooman, R. (2010) Definitions of fit and misfit in Northern Europe: Insights from a cross-national research collaboration. Paper presented at the 4th Global e-Conference on Fit.
Talbot, D. and Billsberry, J. (2010) Comparing and contrasting person-environment fit and misfit. Paper presented at the 4th Global e-Conference on Fit.
Talbot, D. and Billsberry, J. (2010) Empirically distinguishing misfit from fit. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Billsberry, J. and Godrich, S.G. (2010) Blue sky thinking: Using projective techniques to stimulate discussion, reflection and insight. Paper presented at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference (OBTC), Albuquerque, NM.
Talbot, D., Ambrosini, V. and Billsberry, J. (2009). Mapping fit: Maximising idiographic and nomothetic benefits. Paper presented at the 3rd Global e-Conference on Fit.
Ambrosini, V. and Billsberry, J. (2009) Person-organization fit as a vehicle for knowledge sharing and creation. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society (SMS) conference, Washington, DC.
Talbot, D. and Billsberry, J. (2009) Employees' perceptions of fit and misfit. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Brighton.
Edwards, J. and Billsberry, J. (2009) Exploring multidimensional person-environment fit. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Brighton.
Nelson, P. and Billsberry, J. (2009) The (almost) ubiquitous ASA framework. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Brighton.
Billsberry, J. (2009) Fit as wellness, misfit as illness. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
Talbot, D. and Billsberry, J. (2009) Exploring the relationship between fit and misfit: An in-depth qualitative study. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
Nelson, P. and Billsberry, J. (2009) The ASA framework as rhetoric. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
Ambrosini, V. and Billsberry, J. (2008) Value congruence and its impact on causal ambiguity. Paper presented at the 2nd Global e-Conference on Fit.
Billsberry, J. (2008) Broad sketches on misfit as a psychopathology. Paper presented at the 2nd Global e-Conference on Fit.
*** Winner of the Conference Best Paper Award ***
Talbot, D. and Billsberry, J. (2008) Square pegs and round holes. Paper presented at the 2nd Global e-Conference on Fit.
Nelson, P. and Billsberry, J. (2008) The ASA framework as rhetoric. Paper presented at the 2nd Global e-Conference on Fit.
Billsberry, J. (2008) The level playing field: The worst venue of all. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Harrogate.
Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., Edwards, J.A., Moss-Jones, J., Marsh, P.J.G., van Meurs, N. and Coldwell, D.A.L. (2008) Three empirical studies exploring multidimensional fit. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Harrogate.
*** Winner of the Best Paper in Organisational Psychology ***
Nelson, P.C. and Billsberry, J. (2008) Does value homogeneity influence organisational performance? Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Harrogate.
Searle, R.H. and Billsberry, J. (2008) How HR recruitment and selection processes signal trust: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Birnik, A. and Billsberry, J. (2008) Management as a contextual practice: The need to blend science, skills and practical wisdom. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Searle, R.H. and Billsberry, J. (2008) Perceptions of selection: Applicants’ views. 6th Conference of the International Test Commission, Liverpool.
Searle, R.H. and Billsberry, J. (2008) Human resource recruitment and trust: An exploratory study of signalling theory. Paper presented at the Institute of Work Psychology Conference, Sheffield.
McGran, S.C. and Billsberry, J. (2008) HRM: Adding value or adding complexity? Paper presented at the 3rd Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Human Resource Management Network Conference, Tobago.
Billsberry, J., Marsh, P.J.G. and McGran, S.C. (2008) Organisational research: An update. Paper presented at the 3rd Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Human Resource Management Network Conference, Tobago.
Nelson, P.C., van Ameijde, J.M.J. and Billsberry, J. (2008) Distributed leadership in higher education: Its meaning and implications for leadership development. Paper presented at the 3rd Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Human Resource Management Network Conference, Tobago.
Billsberry, J. and Searle, R.H. (2008) A different way of looking: Fit as a recruitment and selection paradigm. Paper presented at the 41st Occupational Psychology Conference, Stratford-upon-Avon.
Ambrosini, V. and Billsberry, J. (2007) Fit as an amplifier of tacit knowledge. Paper presented at the 1st Global e-Conference on Fit.
Billsberry, J. and Searle, R.H. (2007) Fit as a recruitment and selection paradigm. Paper presented at the 1st Global e-Conference on Fit.
Talbot, D. and Billsberry, J. (2007) Employee fit and misfit: Two ends of the same spectrum? Paper presented at the 1st Global e-Conference on Fit.
Billsberry, J. (2007) The Cooler: A cinematic example of self-serving and organisation-serving fit. Paper presented at the 1st Global e-Conference on Fit.
Billsberry, J. (2007) The immaculate misconception. Paper presented at the 1st Global e-Conference on Fit.
Billsberry, J. (2007) Informal conversations: A short case study. Paper presented at the 1st Global e-Conference on Fit.
Billsberry, J. (2007) Assessing the fit of an internal applicant: A case study. Paper presented at the 1st Global e-Conference on Fit.
Billsberry, J. (2007) Person–environment interactions: A case study. Paper presented at the 1st Global e-Conference on Fit.
Billsberry, J. (2007) Fit as a recruitment and selection paradigm: A realistic job preview case study. Paper presented at the 1st Global e-Conference on Fit.
Ambrosini, V. and Billsberry, J. (2007) Person–organisation fit: An invisible hand facilitating the transfer of tacit knowledge. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Warwick.
Nelson, P.C, and Billsberry, J. (2007) Exploring the impact of person–organisation fit on organisational performance. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Warwick.
Talbot, D., Billsberry, J. and Marsh, P.J.G. (2007) An exploratory study into the construction of employee fit and misfit. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Warwick.
Ambrosini, V., Billsberry, J. and Collier, N. (2007) To boldly go where few have gone before: Teaching strategy with moving images. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Birnik, A. and Billsberry, J. (2007) Righteous management: A contribution to the debate on the crisis in management education. Paper presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Searle, R.H. and Billsberry, J. (2007)Uncovering Culture: The role of the selection experience in trust development and maintenance. European Group for Organizational Studies 23rd annual colloquium (EGOS), Vienna.
Searle, R.H. and Billsberry, J. (2007) Trusting the organisation: How selection processes signal trust. European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology (EAWOP), Stockholm.
Billsberry, J. and Nelson, P.C. (2007) Alternatives to the penalty shootout. Paper presented at the 6th World Congress on Science and Football, Antalya, Turkey.
Billsberry, J., Nelson, P.C., van Meurs, N. and Edwards, G. (2007) Are penalty shootouts racist? Paper presented at the 6th World Congress on Science and Football, Antalya, Turkey.
Billsberry, J. (2007) Experiencing recruitment and selection: A narrative study. Paper presented at the 40th Occupational Psychology Conference, Bristol.
Billsberry, J., van Meurs, N., Marsh, P., Moss-Jones, J., Ambrosini, V. and Coldwell, D.A.L. (2007) What is this thing called fit? Paper presented at the 40th Occupational Psychology Conference, Bristol.
Talbot, D. and Billsberry, J. (2007) In search of misfit. Paper presented at the 40th Occupational Psychology Conference, Bristol.
Nelson, P.C., van Ameijde, J.D.J., van Meurs, N. and Billsberry, J. (2006) An empirical study of the factors influencing the emergence of distributed leadership. 5th International Conference on Leadership. Studying Leadership: Knowledge into Action, Cranfield.
Billsberry, J. and Gilbert, L.H. (2006) Teaching recruitment and selection with Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: An example of the provocative use of fable and fantasy in management education. In K.M. Weaver (Ed.) Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
*** Winner of the Best Paper in Graduate Management Education ***
Billsberry, J., van Meurs, N., Coldwell, D.A.L. and Marsh, P.J.G. (2006) Towards a conceptual and explanatory model of fit. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Billsberry, J., van Meurs, N., Coldwell, D.A.L. and Marsh, P.J.G. (2006) A heuristic model for understanding the complexity of fit. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Belfast.
Coldwell, D.A.L., Billsberry, J., van Meurs, N. and Marsh, P.J.G. (2006) Effects of corporate social responsibility and ethical fit on employee attraction and retention. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Coldwell, D.A.L., Billsberry, J., van Meurs, N. and Marsh, P.J.G. (2006) The effects of person–organization ethical fit on employee attraction and retention: Towards a testable explanatory model. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Belfast.
van Meurs, N. & Billsberry, J. (2006) Toward a better understanding of person-organisation fit: Introducing a new conceptual model. International Association for Applied Psychology Congress, Athens, Greece.
Billsberry, J. (2005) On the receiving end: An exploratory study of managerial selection in the United Kingdom. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI.
Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., Marsh, P.J.G., Moss-Jones, J. and van Meurs, N. (2005) Towards a composite map of organisational person–environment fit. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management annual conference, Oxford.
van Meurs, N. and Billsberry, J. (2005) Person–organisation (mis)fit: Exploring the benefits of values in terms of time. Paper presented at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology conference, San Sebastián, Spain.
Billsberry, J. (2004) ASA theory: An empirical study of the attraction proposition. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Billsberry, J. (2004) Selecting for fit: A direct test of Schneider’s selection proposition. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Billsberry, J., Marsh, P.J.G. and Moss-Jones, J. (2004) Mapping organizational members’ sense of fit. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Billsberry, J. and Charlesworth, J.A. (2003) Cinematic representations of work and social life. Paper presented at the International Visual Sociology Association annual conference, Southampton.
Billsberry, J., Moss-Jones, J. and Marsh, P.J.G. (2002) The brain makes the fit: On the materialist hypothesis to consciousness, neuropsychology and person–organisation fit. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., Moss-Jones, J. and Marsh, P.J.G. (2001) Some suggestions for the application of causal mapping and storytelling to survey individual complementary person–organisation fit. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Billsberry, J., Marsh, P.J.G. and Moss-Jones, J. (1999) Taking advantage of high levels of person-organisation value congruence in higher education settings. Paper presented at the College and University Personnel Association (CUPA) 1999 National Convention, Seattle, WH.
Billsberry, J. and Moss-Jones, J. (1999) Researching fit at the Open University. Public Interest and Non-Profit Management Research Unit and the Human Resource Research Unit lunchtime seminar series.
Billsberry, J. (1998) Is fit fair? In Nodder, R., Paltiel, L., Dickson, R., Thomas, H., Patterson, F., Silvester, J., Mulrooney, C. and Travers, C. (Eds.) Book of Proceedings, pp. 229-232. 31st Occupational Psychology Conference, Eastbourne.
Billsberry, J. (1997) Surveying person-organisation fit in a transnational engineering company. In Silvester, J., Nodder, R., Paltiel, L., Dickinson, R., Mulrooney, C., Patterson, F. and Thomas, H. (Eds.) Book of Proceedings, pp. 47-52. 30th Occupational Psychology Conference, Blackpool.
Billsberry, J. (1997) The development and initial trial of a Likert-scaled questionnaire for the indirect assessment of person-organisation value congruence. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Billsberry, J. and Marsh, P.J.G. (1997) Developing organisational capability: Bridging the gap between strategic intent and operational implementation. Paper presented at the College and University Personnel Association (CUPA) National Convention, Boston, MA.
Billsberry, J. and Ambrosini, V. (1997) Is person-organisation fit a source of sustainable competitive advantage? In Kent, D.H. (Ed.) Book of Proceedings, pp. 245-249. Eastern Academy of Management, Dublin. Paper and CD-ROM versions.
Seery, G. and Billsberry, J. (1996) Locus of control and organisational change. In Book of Proceedings, British Academy of Management Tenth Annual Conference, Aston University, 1996, pp. 6.52-6.54.
Billsberry, J. (1995) The Fit Selection Model: A model of selection that incorporates person-organisation fit and person-job fit considerations. In Newell, S., Silvester, J., Paltiel, L., McHenry, R., Nodder, R., Dickson, R., Cowieson, N. and Travers, C. (Eds.) Book of Proceedings, pp. 169-174. 28th Occupational Psychology Conference, University of Warwick, 1995.
Billsberry, J. (1995) The psychometric paradigm in organisational entry: An interactional critique. 4th ESRC MTF Conference, Vancouver.
Billsberry, J. (1994) Towards a new selection paradigm: The relationship of person-organisation fit and person-job fit. 3rd ESRC MTF Conference, Boston, MA.
Billsberry, J. (1994) Researching person-organisation fit: A discussion of practical problems. 2nd ESRC MTF Research Colloquium, Cardiff Business School.
Refereed Conference Symposia and Workshops
Participant in a professional development workshop (PDW) entitled, "Perfect review responses clarifying editors' visions and requirements" for the Public and Nonprofit (PNP), Careers (CAR), and Management Education and Development (MED) divisions of the Academy of Management at the 80th Academy of Management (AoM) annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada (other participants: Blackman, D. (Organizer), Althaus, C., Ambrosini, V., Bridgman. T., Gephart, R. P. , Harley, B., Hibbert, P., Harrison, R. T., Kelliher, C., O'Donnell, M., Teo, S., & Wolfram Cox, J.).
Organised a symposium (with Kohler, T.) entitled, Academic careers in management: How do we get to where the grass is greener? for the Careers, Organizational Behavior, and Management Education and Development divisions of the Academy of Management at the 79th Academy of Management (AoM), Boston, USA, August 2019 (other participants: Belkhir, M., Bristow, A., Brouard, M., Brunk, K. H., Dalmoro, M., Dinnin Huff, A., Ferreira, M. C., Figueirado, B., Gonzalez-Morales, M. G., Greco, L. M., Kraimer, M. L., Pudelko, M., Ratle, O., Robinson, S., Sargent, L., Scaraboto, D., Seibert, S. E., Sibai, O., Smith, A. N., & Tenzer, H.).
Organised a symposium entitled "Organisational misfit: A practice turn in organisational fit research" for the Organizational Psychology track at the British Academy of Management (BAM), Bristol, UK.
Participant in an All-Academy Professional Development Workshop (PDW) entitled, Rhythms of academic life – Insights and advice for academic scholars at all career stages, at the Academy of Management (AoM), Chicago, USA, August 2018 (organised by Oliver, D., Wright, R. P., and Dittrich, K.; co-participants: Antonacopoulou, E. P., Balogun, J., Harley, B., Koehler, T., Mantere, S., Taylor, M. S., Cabantous, L., Erez, M., Fukami, C., Gond, J.-P., Gonzalez-Morales, M. G., Quinn, R. E., Rouleau, L., Rynes, S. L., & Clegg, S. R.).
Organised and participated in a symposium entitled 'Making Perceived Fit Meaningful: Perspectives on the Process of Fitting In' at the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, USA, August 2016 (with De Cooman, R., and Mol, S.).
Organised and participated in a symposium entitled 'Academic Careers in Management: What Have We Got Ourselves Into?' at the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, USA, August 2016 (with Köhler, T., and Cohen, M.).
*** Winner of the Management Education and Development (MED) division's Global Forum Best Symposium Award ***
*** Joint runner-up for the Careers Division's Best Symposium Award ***
Organised and participated in a Showcase Symposium entitled 'Person-Environment Fit: Qualitative Insights and New Directions' at the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, USA, August 2016 (with Larson, C. and others).
Organised a professional development workshop (PDW) entitled 'Making Your Response Meaningful: Addressing Reviewers Comments' at the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, USA, August 2016 (with Blackman, D. and others); unfortunately had to witdraw from the PDW due to AOM scheduling problems.
Organised and participated in a professional development workshop (PDW) entitled 'Conducting Meaningful Research into the Experience of PE and Perceived Fit: An Incubator' at the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, USA, August 2016 (with de Cooman, R., Mol, S., Boon, C., and den Hartog, D. N.).
Organised a professional development workshop (PDW) entitled 'A Practical Guide to Student Videography' at the International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR) conference, Nanjing, China, June 2016 (with Egri, C.).
Organised and participated in a symposium entitled 'Know Thyself: Influences on the Careers of Management Academics' at the Academy of Management (AoM), Vancouver, Canada, August 2015 (with Köhler, T. and Cohen, M.).
Organised and delivered a professional development workshop (PDW) entitled 'A Practical Guide to Student Videography' at the Academy of Management (AoM), Vancouver, Canada, August 2015 (with North-Samardzic, A.).
Organised and participated in a professional development workshop (PDW) entitled 'Management Education and Learning Writer's Workshop' at the Academy of Management (AoM), Vancouver, Canada, August 2015.
Organised and participated in a professional development workshop (PDW) entitled 'Navigating Peer Review Governance: Addressing Reviewer's Comments' at the Academy of Management (AoM), Vancouver, Canada, August 2015.
Organised and participated in a workshop entitled 'Is it All Smoke and Mirrors? Learning Assessment and its Associate Challenges' at the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), Sydney, Australia, December 2014 (with Moosmayer, D. C., Köhler, T., and Fischlmayr, I.).
Organised a professional development workshop (PDW) entitled 'Threshold Concepts in Management Education' at the Academy of Management, Orlando, FL, August 2013 (with Hibbert, P. & Wright, A. L.).
Organised and ran a 'Writing for JME' session at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference (OBTC), University of North Carolina - Asheville, Asheville, NC, June 2013.
Organised and ran a 'Developing Your Reviewing Skills' session at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference (OBTC), University of North Carolina - Asheville, Asheville, NC, June 2013.
Co-organised a Research in Management Learning and Education (RMLE) Unconference, University of North Carolina - Asheville, Asheville, NC, June 2013 (with Hrivnak, G. & Kenworthy, A. L.).
Organised and ran a 'Meet the Editors' session at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference (OBTC), Brock University, Canada, June 2012.
Organised and ran a 'Developing Your Reviewing Skills' session at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference (OBTC), Brock University, Canada, June 2012.
'Distinguished speaker' for the 'Learning more about gender inequity in work and business by taking a multidisciplinary approach' caucus at the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, August 2012.
Organised and ran a 'Meet the Management Education Editors' session at the Faculty and Business and Economics, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, February 2012 (with Brown, K. G.).
Organised and ran a 'Meet the Management Education Editors' session at Monash University, Melbourne, February 2012 (with Brown, K. G.).
Organised a symposium entitled 'New directions in organizational fit' at the Academy of Management, San Antonio, TX, August 2011 (with Kristof-Brown, A. L.).
Organised a professional development workshop (PDW) entitled 'A practical guide to causal mapping' at the Academy of Management, San Antonio, TX, August 2011 (with Talbot, D.).
Organised a symposium entitled 'Dare to care about employment relationships: Individual and organizational perspectives on misfit' at the Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada, August 2010 (with Talbot, D.).
Organised a one-day seminar entitled 'If we taught managers like we teach doctors...' as part of the British Academy of Management's Organisational Psychology Special Interest Group's (SIG) Seminar Series, Warwick Medical School, June 2009 (with Williams, S.).
Organised a caucus entitled 'Fit happens: An international collaboration on future research and practice on person-environment fit and misfit' at the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL., August 2009 (with Kristof-Brown, A. L.).
Organised a professional development workshop (PDW) entitled 'Current controversies recruitment and selection' at the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL., August 2009 (with Searle, R. H.).
Organised a professional development workshop (PDW) entitled 'If we taught managers like we teach doctors...' at the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL., August 2009 (with Williams, S.).
Organised a symposium entitled 'If we taught managers like we teach doctors...' at the British Academy of Management, Harrogate, September 2008 (with Williams, S.).
Organised a symposium entitled 'Current controversies recruitment and selection' at the British Academy of Management, Harrogate, September 2008 (with Searle, R. H.).
Organised a professional development workshop (PDW) called 'Developing a Hippocratic Oath for the Management Profession' at the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA., August 2007 (with Birnik, A.).
Organised a professional development workshop (nine hours: subject to competitive process) called 'Moving Images: Cinema in the Classroom' for the annual meeting of the Academy of Management in Hawaii, HO., 2005 (with Champoux, J. E.).
Organised and delivered a professional development workshop (PDW) called 'Using film and television representations of working life in teaching' for the annual meeting of the Academy of Management in New Orleans, LA., 2004.
Organised a professional development workshop (PDW) called 'The leadership of radical change in a Higher Education setting: Lessons from the experience of internal HR consultants' for the annual meeting of the Academy of Management in New Orleans, LA., 2004 (with Marsh, P. J. G. and Lobley, K. E.).
Organised and scripted a professional development workshop (PDW) on the pedagogic and research use of cinema in management for the annual meeting of the Academy of Management in Denver, CO., 2002 (with Champoux, J. E.).
Organised and chaired caucus 'Person-organisation fit: A synonym for cloning?' at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management in San Diego, CA., 1998.