Person-Organisation Fit and Employee Misfit
Billsberry, J., & Talbot, D. L. (in press; Eds.), Employee Misfit: Theories, Perspectives, and New Directions. Singapore: Springer Nature.
Billsberry, J., & Swanson, S. (in press). Measuring perceived employee misfit: Some initial thoughts and scale suggestions. In J. Billsberry & D. L. Talbot (Eds.), Employee Misfit: Theories, Perspectives, and New Directions. Singapore: Springer Nature.
Billsberry, J., Talbot, D. L., & Hollyoak, B. M. (in press). A note on the romance of misfit: Maverickism. In J. Billsberry & D. L. Talbot (Eds.), Employee Misfit: Theories, Perspectives, and New Directions. Singapore: Springer Nature.
Sun, Y., & Billsberry, J. (in press). What is this thing called misfit? A systematic review into how employee misfit has been defined and researched. Management Review Quarterly.
Billsberry, J. (in press). Person-organization fit. In V. Ratten (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Abbasi, Z., Billsberry, J., & Todres, M. (2024). Empirical studies of the “similarity leads to attraction” hypothesis in workplace interactions: A systematic review. Management Review Quarterly, 74(2), 661-709.
Billsberry, J., & Vleugels, W. (2023). A consolidation of competing logics on selecting for fit. Academy of Management Perspectives, 37(3), 220-238.
Vleugels, W., Verbruggen, M., De Cooman, R., & Billsberry, J. (2023). A systematic review of temporal person–environment fit research: Trends, developments, obstacles, and opportunities for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(2), 376-398.
Billsberry, J., Hollyoak, B. M., & Talbot, D. L. (2023). Insights into the lived experience of misfits at work: A netnographic study. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(2), 199-215.
Sun, Y., & Billsberry, J. (2023). An investigation into how value incongruence became misfit. Journal of Management History, 29(3), 423-438.
Subramanian, S., Billsberry, J., & Barrett, M. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of person-organization fit research: Significant features and contemporary trends. Management Review Quarterly, 73(4), 1971-1999.
Abbasi, Z., Billsberry, J., & Todres, M. (2022). An integrative conceptual two-factor model of workplace value congruence and incongruence. Management Research Review, 45(7), 897-912.
Edwards, J. A., & Billsberry, J. (2020). Testing a multidimensional theory of person-environment fit. Journal of Managerial Issues, 32(1), 8-25. (Reprint of 2010 article: Lead article in the 30th Anniversary edition of the Journal of Managerial Issues.)
De Cooman, R., Mol, S. T., Billsberry, J., Boon, C., & Den Hartog, D. N. (2019). Epilogue: Frontiers in person–environment fit research. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(5), 646-652.
Vleugels, W., Tierensa, H., Billsberry, J., Verbruggen, M., & De Cooman, R. (2019). Profiles of fit and misfit: A repeated weekly measures study of perceived value congruence. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(5), 616-630.
Follmer, E. H., Talbot, D. L., Kristof-Brown, A. L., Astrove, S. L. , & Billsberry, J. (2018). Resolution, relief, and resignation: A qualitative study of responses to misfit at work. Academy of Management Journal, 61(2), 440-465.
Follmer, E. H., Talbot, D. L., Kristof-Brown, A. L., Astrove, S. L. & Billsberry, J. (2018). Misfits: What do you do when you can't be yourself at work? LSE Business Review. (Reposted on the World Economic Forum).
Kristof-Brown, A. L., and Billsberry, J. (2013; Eds.). Organizational Fit: Key Issues and New Directions. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwells. ISBN: 978-0-470-68361-3 (print)
Kristof-Brown, A. L., and Billsberry, J. (2013). Fit for the future. In Kristof-Brown, A. L., and Billsberry, J. (Eds.) Organizational Fit: Key Issues and New Directions, pp. 1-18. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwells. ISBN: 978-0-470-68361-3 (print)
Billsberry, J., Talbot, D. L., and Ambrosini, V. (2013). Mapping fit: Maximizing idiographic and nomothetic benefits, pp. 124-141. In Kristof-Brown, A. L., and Billsberry, J. (Eds.) Organizational Fit: Key Issues and New Directions. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwells. ISBN: 978-0-470-68361-3 (print)
Searle, R. H., and Billsberry, J. (2011). The development and destruction of organizational trust during recruitment and selection. In Searle, R. H., and Skinner, D. (Eds.) Trust and Human Resource Management, pp. 67-86. Chichester: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978 1 84844 464 5 (hbk)
Edwards, J. A., & Billsberry, J. (2010). Testing a multidimensional theory of person-environment fit. Journal of Managerial Issues, 22(4), 476-493.
Billsberry, J., Talbot, D., Nelson, P. C., Edwards, J. A., Godrich, S. G., Davidson, R. A. G., & Carter, C. J. P. (2010). The people make the place: Dynamic linkages between individuals and organizations edited by D. Brent Smith, Personnel Psychology, 63(2), 483-487.
Billsberry, J. (2010). Person-Organisation Fit: Value Congruence in Attraction and Selection Decisions. Köln, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-8383-3729-6
Billsberry, J., Edwards, J. A., Talbot, D., Nelson, P. C., Davidson, R. A. G., Godrich, S. G., & Marsh, P. J. G. (2009). Perspectives on Organizatonal Fit edited by Cheri Ostroff and Timothy A. Judge, Personnel Psychology, 62(4), 880-883.
Coldwell, D. A. L., Billsberry, J., van Meurs, N., & Marsh, P. J. G. (2008). The effects of person-organization ethical fit on employee attraction and retention: Towards a testable explanatory model. Journal of Business Ethics, 78(4), 611-622.
Billsberry, J. (2007). Attracting for values: An empirical study of ASA’s attraction proposition. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(2), 132-149.
Billsberry, J. (2007). Experiencing Recruitment and Selection. Chichester: Wiley. ISBN 978-0-470-05731-1 (ppc) 978-0-470-05730-8 (pbk).
Clark, T. A. R., and Billsberry, J. (2007). Jak „łowcy głów” wybierają swoje ofiary: przegląd metod selekcji stosowanych w agencjach doradztwa personalnego w czterech krajach europejskich. (How headhunters select their prey: A review of selection methods used by executive search consultancies in four European countries). In Witkowski, T. (Ed.) Dobór Personelu: Koncepcje, Narzêdzia, Konteksty (Personnel Selection: Concepts, Tools, Contexts), pp. 63-86. Taszów: Biblioteka Moderatora. ISBN 978-83-923427-2-4
Billsberry, J. (2006). Towards a future where we select for fit. People and Organisations at Work, 9 (Autumn), 10-11.
Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., Moss-Jones, J., & Marsh, P. J. G. (2005). Some suggestions for mapping organizational members’ sense of fit. Journal of Business and Psychology, 19(4), 555-570.
Wilks, L. J., & Billsberry, J. (2007). Should we do away with teleworking? An examination of whether teleworking can be defined in the new world of work. New Technology, Work and Employment, 22(2), 168-177.
Billsberry, J. (2000). Finding and Keeping the Right People. 2nd (revised) edition. London: Prentice Hall. UK ISBN 0 273 61698
- Mandarin (中华工商联合出版社, 2002 ISBN 7-80100-827-8)
- French (Réussir ses recrutements (et savoir les conserver),2000, Paris: Editions Village Mondial, Pearson Education, Les Echos. ISBN 2-84211-109-5)
- Russian (КАК ПОДОБРАТЬ И СОХРАНИТЬ НУЖНЙ ПЕРСОНАЛ, 2002, Баланс-Аудит. ISBN 966-8216-00-8)
- Malay (Mencari dan Mengekalkan Pekerja Terbaik, 2002, Pearson Malaysia)
- Spanish
Billsberry, J. (2000). Socialising newcomers to high energy call centres. International Journal of Call Centre Management, pp. 309-317, May-June.
Billsberry, J. (2000). Socialising teleworkers into the organisation. In Daniels, K.J., Lamond, D. and Standen, P. (Eds.) Managing Telework, pp. 43-52. London: International Thomson Business.
Clark, T. A. R., and Billsberry, J. (1998). Jak „łowcy głów” wybierają swoje ofiary (How headhunters select their prey). In Witkowski, T. (Ed.) Nowoczesne Metody Doboru i Oceny Personelu (Advances in Selection and Assessment), pp. 79-98. Warsaw, Poland: Wydawnictwo Profesjonalnej Szkoły Biznesu.
Billsberry, J. (1996). Finding and Keeping the Right People. London: Pitman Professional Publishing. ISBN 0 273 61698 6
Billsberry, J. (1996). When does recruitment and selection end? The 9A organisational entry cycle and a horticultural metaphor. In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations, pp. 151-156. London: Sage. ISBN: 0 7619 5110-5 (hbk) 0 7619 5111-3 (pbk)
Billsberry, J. (1994). Making fair selection decisions. In Thomson, R. J., and Mabey, C. (Eds.) Developing Human Resources, pp. 97-121. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Escobar Vega, C., Billsberry, J., Molineux, J., & Lowe, K. B. (in press). The development of implicit leadership theories during childhood: A reconceptualization through the lens of overlapping waves theory. Psychological Review.
Hughes, G., Billsberry, J., Swanson, S., & Todres, M. (2024). A typology of design archetypes in professional football leagues: Autonomy and openness as key factors explaining design variance. Journal of Sport Management, 38(5), 327-339.
Billsberry, J. & O'Callaghan, S. (2024). The social construction of leadership, implicit leadership theories, leader development, and the challenge of authenticity. Journal of Leadership Studies, 18(3), 6-22.
Pitsi, S., Billsberry, J., & Barrett, M. (2024). A bibliometric review of research on intelligence in leadership studies. FIIB Business Review, 13(5), 528-541.
Pitsi, S., Billsberry, J., & Barrett, M. (2023). Implicit measures in leadership categorization theory: The case for using cognitive mapping and verbal protocols to study cross-categorization phenomena. Baltic Journal of Management, 18(5), 668-682.
Munoz, A., Billsberry, J., & Ambrosini, V. (2022). Resilience, robustness, and antifragility: Towards an appreciation of distinct organizational responses to adversity. International Journal of Management Reviews, 24(2), 181-187.
Swanson, S., Billsberry, J., Kent, A., Skinner, J., & Mueller, J. (2020). Leader prototypicality in sport: The implicit leadership theories of women and men entering sport management careers. Sport Management Review, 23(4), 640-656.
Billsberry, J., Escobar Vega, C., & Molineux, J. (2019). Think of the children: Leader development at the edge of tomorrow. Journal of Management and Organization, 25(3), 378-381.
Billsberry, J. (2019). HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership Lessons from Sports by Harvard Business Review. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(1), 114-116.
Billsberry, J., Mueller, J., Skinner, J., Swanson, S., Corbett, B., & Ferkins, L. (2018). Reimagining leadership in sport management: Lessons from the social construction of leadership. Journal of Sport Management, 32(2), 170-182.
Billsberry, J., & North-Samardzic, A. (2016). Surfacing authentic leadership: Inspiration from After Life. Journal of Leadership Education, 15(2), 1-13.
Billsberry, J. (2016). Once learned, never forgotten: Effective leadership development with social construction as a threshold concept. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 30(6), 24-26.
Billsberry, J. (2013). Teaching leadership from a social constructionist perspective. Journal of Management & Organization, 19(6), 679-688.
van Ameijde, J. D. J., Nelson, P. C., Billsberry, J., & van Meurs, N. (2009). Improving leadership in higher education institutions: A distributed perspective. Higher Education, 58(6), 763-779.
Billsberry, J. (2009). The social construction of leadership education. Journal of Leadership Education, 8(2), 1-9.
Billsberry, J., & Meisel, S. (2009). Leadership is in the eye of the beholder. Organization Management Journal, 6(2), 67-68.
Billsberry, J. (2009; Ed.). Discovering Leadership. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0-230-57584-6 (hbk) 978-0-230-57584-4 (pbk)
Billsberry, J. (2009). Leadership: A contested construct. In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) Discovering Leadership, pp. 24-34. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0-230-57584-6 (hbk) 978-0-230-57584-4 (pbk)
Billsberry, J. (2009). A leadership curriculum. In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) Discovering Leadership, pp. 1-11. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 0-230-57584-6 (hbk) 978-0-230-57584-4 (pbk)
van Ameijde, J. D. J., Nelson, P. C., Billsberry, J., and van Meurs, N. (2008). Distributed leadership in project teams. In Turnbull-James, K. and Collins, J. (Eds.) Leadership Perspectives: Knowledge into Action, pp. 223-237. London: Palgrave. ISBN 978-0-230-51604-5 (hbk) 0-230-51694-1 (pbk)
Billsberry, J., & Edwards, G. (2008). Toxic celluloid: Representations of bad leadership on film and implications for leadership development. Organisations and People, 15(3), 104-110.
Salaman, J. G., Storey, J., and Billsberry, J. (2005; Eds.). Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice. London: Sage. ISBN 1-4129-1900-2 (hbk) 1-4129-1901-0 (pbk)
Storey, J., Salaman, J. G., and Billsberry, J. (2005). Strategic Human Resource Management: Defining the field. In Salaman, J.G., Storey, J. and Billsberry, J. (Eds.) Strategic Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, pp. 1-11. London: Sage. ISBN 1-4129-1900-2 (hbk) 1-4129-1901-0 (pbk)
Management Education
Escobar Vega, C., Billsberry, J., Molineux, J., & Lowe, K. B. (in press). The development of implicit leadership theories during childhood: A reconceptualization through the lens of overlapping waves theory. Psychological Review.
Billsberry, J. & Alony, I. (2024). The MOOC post-mortem: Bibliometric and systematic analyses of research on massive open online courses (MOOCs), 2009-2022. Journal of Management Education, 48(4), 634-670.
Ambrosini, V., Billsberry, J., & Swanson, S. (2023). The myth of the altruistic university: Lessons from universities' sponsoring of events. Event Management., 27(8), 1151-1164.
Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., & Thomas, L. (2023). Managerialist control in post-pandemic business schools: The tragedy of the new normal and a new hope. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 22(3), 439–458.
Billsberry, J., & Cortese, C. (2023). PhD by prospective publication in Australian business schools: Provocations from a collaborative autoethnography. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 18, 119-136.
Billsberry, J. (2023). A stepwise strategy for upgrading publication outcomes to A* in management. IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 4(3) 233-240.
Eichler, M., & Billsberry, J. (2023). There’s nothing as practical as understanding the nature of theory: A phenomenographic study of management educators’ implicit theories of theory. Management Learning, 54(2), 244-266.
Tootell, A., Kyriazis, E., Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., Garrett-Jones, S., & Wallace, G. G. (2021). Knowledge creation in complex inter-organizational arrangements: Understanding the barriers and enablers of university-industry knowledge creation in science-based cooperation. Journal of Knowledge Management, 25(4), 743-769.
Arquisola, M. J., Zutshi, A., Rentschler, R., & Billsberry, J. (2020). Academic leaders' double bind: Challenges from an Indonesian perspective. International Journal of Educational Management, 34(2), 397-416.
Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., Garrido-Lopez, M., & Stiles, D. (2019). Towards a non-essentialist approach to management education: Philosophical underpinnings from phenomenography. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(4), 626-638.
Billsberry, J., Köhler, T., Stratton, M., Cohen, M., & Taylor, M. S. (2019). Introduction to the special issue on rhythms of academic life. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(2), 119-127.
Billsberry, J. (2019). Concussion (and other off-field sport business movies), by Peter Landesman (Director), & Elizabeth Cantillon, Giannina Scott, Ridley Scott, Larry Shuman, & David Wolthoff (Producers). Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18(1), 112-114.
Billsberry, J., Kempster, S., & Jackson, B. (2018). In memory of Professor Ken Parry. Journal of Management and Organization. 24(3), 329-311.
Billsberry, J., and Brown, K. G. (2017). The medium is the message: On the emergence of autonomous learning, MOOCs, and technology-enabled active learning. In J. E. Ellingson & R. A. Noe (Eds.), Autonomous Learning in the Workplace, pp. 237-259. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Organizational Frontiers Series. New York, NY: Routledge.
Billsberry, J., and Egri, C. P. (2017). Leadership development through videography. In S. Kempster, G. Edwards, and A. F. Turner (Eds.) The Field Guide to Leadership Development: Creative Guidelines for Practice and Design, pp. 133-148. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78536 990 2 (cased) 978 1 78536 991 9 (eBook) DOI 10.4337/9781785369919
Billsberry, J. (2015). On solutions to the crisis in management education: Can Business Schools improve the effectiveness of managers? In Wilkinson, A., Townsend K., and Suter, G. (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Managing Managers, pp. 183- 202. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78347 428 8 (cased), ISBN 978 1 78347 429 5 (eBook)
Barton, L., Billsberry, J., Ambrosini, V., & Barton, H. (2014). Convergence and divergence dynamics in UK and French business schools: How will the pressure for accreditation influence these dynamics? British Journal of Management, 25(2), 305-319.
Cohen, M., & Billsberry, J. (2014). The use of marking rubrics in management education: Issues of deconstruction and andragogy. Journal of Management Education, 38(3), 352-358.
Billsberry, J. (2014). CrazyTalk. Journal of Management Education, 38(2), 289-298.
Billsberry, J. (2014). The rise and rise of management edutainment. Journal of Management Education, 38(2), 151-159.
Billsberry, J. (2014). Desk-rejects: 10 top tips to avoid the cull. Journal of Management Education, 38(1), 3-9.
Billsberry, J. (2013). English Vinglish. Journal of Management Education, 37(6), 868-872.
Billsberry, J. (2013). MOOCs: Fad or revolution? Journal of Management Education, 37(6), 739-746.
Billsberry, J. (2013). A longitudinal empirical study into the buildup of fluff in my belly button. Journal of Management Education, 37(5), 595-600.
Cohen, M. & Billsberry, J. (2013). Making progress by glancing backward: Celebrating the introduction of the review article to the field of management education. Journal of Management Education, 37(4), 439-446.
Billsberry, J. (2013). From persona non grata to mainstream: The use of film in management teaching as an example of how the discipline of management education is changing. Journal of Management Education, 37(3), 299-304.
Billsberry, J., Kenworthy, A. L., Hrivnak, G. A., & Brown, K. G. (2013). Daring to be different: Unconferences, new conferences, and reimagined conferences. Journal of Management Education, 37(2), 175-179.
Rollag, K., & Billsberry, J. (2012). Technology as an enabler of a new wave of active learning. Journal of Management Education, 36(6), 743-752.
Billsberry, J. (2012). Times change and we with them. Journal of Management Education, 36(5), 607-613.
Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., and Leonard, P. (2012; Eds.). Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10:1617358746, ISBN-13:978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)
Billsberry, J., Leonard, P., and Charlesworth, J. (2012). Die another day: Effective teaching with film and television. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., and Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. xi-xxvii. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10: 1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)
Ambrosini, V., Billsberry, J., and Collier, N. (2012). To boldly go where few have gone before: Teaching strategy with moving images. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., and Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. 171-191. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10:1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)
Champoux, J. E., and Billsberry, J. (2012). Using moving images in management education: Technology, formats, delivery and copyright. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., and Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. 149-158. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10: 1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)
Billsberry, J. (2012). Using visual media to teach recruitment and selection. In Billsberry, J., Charlesworth, J., and Leonard, P. (Eds.) Moving Images: Effective Teaching with Film and Television in Management, pp. 209-222. Charleston, NC: Information Age Publishing. ISBN-10:1617358746, ISBN-13: 978-1-61735-874-6 (pbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-875-3 (hbk). ISBN-13:978-1-61735-876-0 (ebook)
Billsberry, J., & Birnik, A. (2010). Management as a contextual practice: The need to balance science, skills and practical wisdom. Organization Management Journal, 7(2), 171-178.
Billsberry, J., & Rollag, K. (2010). New technological advances applied to management education. Journal of Management Education, 34(1), 186-188.
Ambrosini, V., Billsberry, J., & Collier, N. (2009). Teaching soft issues in strategic management with films: Arguments and suggestions. International Journal of Management Education, 8(1), 63-72.
Billsberry, J. (2009). The embedded academic: A management academic discovers management. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal, 2(3), 1-9.
Meisel, S., & Billsberry, J. (2009). Social responsibility in the management classroom. Organization Management Journal, 6(3), 164-165.
Birnik, A., & Billsberry, J. (2008). Re-orienting the business school agenda: The case for relevance, rigor and righteousness. Journal of Business Ethics, 82(4), 985-999.
Billsberry, J., & Gilbert, L. H. (2008). Using Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to teach different recruitment and selection paradigms. Journal of Management Education, 32(2), 228-247.
Billsberry, J. (2008). Management education as an emotional science. Organization Management Journal, 5(3), 149-151.
Billsberry, J. (1996). There is nothing so practical as a good theory: How can theory help managers become more effective? In Billsberry, J. (Ed.) The Effective Manager: Perspectives and Illustrations, pp. 1-27. London: Sage. ISBN: 0 7619 5110-5 (hbk) 0 7619 5111-3 (pbk)